Package Controller

Class CustomerController


public class CustomerController extends Object
This class is responsible for managing customer data, including registration, login, and data persistence.


To use this class, create an instance of `CustomerController` and call its methods to perform various operations on customer data.

Example Usage

 CustomerController controller = new CustomerController();
 controller.registerNewUser("username", "password", "");
 controller.validateLogin("username", "password");

File Management

Customer data is stored in a text file defined by the `customersFilePath` attribute. This class provides methods to load customers from the file and save customers to the file.

Thread Safety

This class is not thread-safe, so external synchronization may be required when accessed by multiple threads.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • customers

      private List<Customer> customers
      A list that holds customer objects.


      The `customers` list contains instances of the Customer class, representing registered customers in the system. Various operations related to customer management are performed on this list.
    • customersFilePath

      private String customersFilePath
      The file path for storing customer data.


      The `customersFilePath` field holds the file path to the location where customer data is stored and retrieved. The default file path is "src/Model/customers.txt," but you can modify this path as needed to specify a different location for the customer data file.
  • Constructor Details

    • CustomerController

      public CustomerController()
      Constructor for the CustomerController class that initializes the list of customers and loads customer data from a file.


      Upon construction of a `CustomerController` instance, it initializes an empty list of customer objects and specifies the default file path for storing customer data. It then proceeds to load customer data from the file, if available.

      File Loading

      This constructor automatically calls the `loadCustomersFromFile` method to load existing customer data from the file specified by the `customersFilePath`.

      Default File Path

      By default, the `customersFilePath` is set to "src/Model/customers.txt". You can modify this path as needed.
  • Method Details

    • getCustomers

      public List<Customer> getCustomers()
      Retrieves the list of customer objects.


      Use this method to obtain a reference to the list of customer objects maintained by the CustomerController instance.
      A list containing Customer objects.
    • loadCustomersFromFile

      public void loadCustomersFromFile()
      Load customer data from a file, populating the customer list. If the file is not found, it creates a new file.

      File Loading

      This method reads customer data from the specified file, assuming that the data is stored in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format, with each line containing customer information in the order: username, password, email.

      Error Handling

      If the file is not found, it will catch a `FileNotFoundException` and create a new customer file using the `saveCustomersToFile` method.
      FileNotFoundException - If the customer data file is not found.
    • registerNewUser

      public boolean registerNewUser(String username, String password, String email)
      Registers a new user with the provided username, password, and email.

      Registration Process

      This method attempts to register a new customer in the system by checking if the provided username and email address are available. If the username or email is already taken, it displays an error message and returns `false`. If both the username and email are available, it creates a new customer object and adds it to the list of customers. The customer data is then saved to a file using the `saveCustomersToFile` method.

      Username and Email Validation

      It uses the `isUsernameTaken` and `isEmailTaken` methods to validate whether the provided username and email are already in use.
      username - The username for the new user.
      password - The password for the new user.
      email - The email address for the new user.
      `true` if the registration is successful, `false` if the username or email is already taken.
    • PrintCustomers

      public void PrintCustomers()
      Print information about all registered customers.

      Printing Customer Information

      This method iterates through the list of registered customers and prints information about each customer, including their username, password, and email, to the console.

      Output Format

      The customer information is printed in the format:
       Username Password Email

      Example Output

      If there are two registered customers with usernames "user1" and "user2," the output might look like this:
       user1 password1
       user2 password2
    • removeCustomer

      public void removeCustomer(String username)
      Remove a registered customer with the specified username.

      Customer Removal

      This method attempts to remove a customer with the given username from the list of registered customers. It checks if a customer with the provided username exists. If found, it removes the customer from the list and updates the customer data file using the `saveCustomersToFile` method. If the username is not found, it prints an error message indicating that the customer was not found.


      username - The username of the customer to be removed.

      Errors and Warnings

      If the provided username is not found, a "Customer not found" message is printed to the console.
    • getCustomerByUsername

      public Customer getCustomerByUsername(String username)
      Retrieve a customer by their username.

      Customer Retrieval

      This method searches the list of registered customers and attempts to retrieve a customer by their username. If a customer with the specified username is found, the customer object is returned. If the username is not found, the method returns `null` to indicate that the customer was not found.


      username - The username of the customer to retrieve.
      A Customer object if found, or `null` if the customer is not found.
    • isUsernameTaken

      public boolean isUsernameTaken(String username)
      Check if a username is already taken by a registered customer.

      Username Availability

      This method checks if a provided username is already in use by any of the registered customers. If a customer with the specified username is found, it returns `true` to indicate that the username is taken. If the username is not found among registered customers, it returns `false` to indicate that the username is available for registration.


      username - The username to be checked for availability.
      `true` if the username is already taken, `false` if it is available for registration.
    • isEmailTaken

      public boolean isEmailTaken(String email)
      Check if an email address is already in use by a registered customer.

      Email Address Availability

      This method checks if a provided email address is already associated with any of the registered customers. If a customer with the specified email address is found, it returns `true` to indicate that the email address is already taken. If the email address is not found among registered customers, it returns `false` to indicate that the email address is available for registration.


      email - The email address to be checked for availability.
      `true` if the email address is already taken, `false` if it is available for registration.
    • validateLogin

      public boolean validateLogin(String username, String password)
      Validate customer login credentials.

      Login Validation

      This method validates customer login credentials by comparing the provided username and password with the credentials of registered customers. If a matching customer is found, it returns `true` to indicate a successful login. If no customer matches the provided credentials, it returns `false` to indicate an unsuccessful login.


      username - The username provided during login.
      password - The password provided during login.
      `true` if the login credentials are valid, `false` if they are not.
    • saveCustomersToFile

      public void saveCustomersToFile()
      Save customer data to a file.

      Data Saving

      This method saves customer data, including usernames, passwords, and email addresses, to a file specified by the `customersFilePath` field. The data is stored in a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format, where each line contains customer information in the order: username, password, email.

      Exception Handling

      If an error occurs during the file writing process, an `IOException` is caught and an error message is printed to the console, indicating the issue encountered while saving the data.

      File Format

      The customer data is saved in the following format:

      File Location

      The location and name of the file are determined by the `customersFilePath` field. Ensure that this field points to the desired location and file name for saving customer data.
      IOException - If an error occurs while writing the customer data to the file.
    • loadCustomer

      public Customer loadCustomer(String username, String password)
      Load a customer by their username and password.

      Customer Retrieval

      This method attempts to retrieve a registered customer by their provided username and password. If a matching customer is found with both the specified username and password, the customer object is returned. If no matching customer is found, the method returns `null` to indicate that the customer was not found.


      username - The username of the customer to retrieve.
      password - The password of the customer to retrieve.
      A Customer object if a match is found, or `null` if the customer is not found based on the provided username and password.