Package View
package View
The View package contains classes related to the user interface (UI) of the application.
It provides visual components and functionality for displaying and interacting with the application's UI.
The classes in this package are responsible for creating and managing the UI components, handling user input, and providing a graphical representation of the application's data.
This package includes the following classes:
- Since:
- 1.0
- Version:
- 1.0
- Author:
- Muhammad Ashhub Ali, Adeel Ahmed, Ahmad Zafar
ClassesClassDescriptionThe AdminDashboardView class represents a graphical user interface panel for the admin dashboard.AdminLoginViewThe main class representing the Utility App.The CustomerDashboardView class represents the dashboard view for a customer in the application.The CustomerLoginView class represents the login view for customers in the application.The CustomerRegistrationView class represents a graphical user interface for customer registration.The EditBillView class represents a graphical user interface for editing a bill's details.A graphical user interface panel for editing service details.The `LoginSelectionView` class represents a graphical user interface component for selecting the type of login, either as an admin or a user.LoginViewA JPanel that provides a user interface for creating a new subscription plan for a utility bill.