Package View

Class LoginView

Record Components:
app - The main application instance responsible for managing the login process.
All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible
Direct Known Subclasses:
AdminLoginView, CustomerLoginView

public class LoginView extends JPanel


The `LoginView` class represents a graphical user interface for user login. This view allows the user to enter their username and password for authentication.

It includes text fields for the username and password, as well as an option to show or hide the entered password. Additionally, it provides buttons for logging in and canceling the login process.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • usernameField

      protected JTextField usernameField
      The text field for entering the username.
    • passwordField

      protected JPasswordField passwordField
      The password field for entering the password.
    • loginButton

      protected JButton loginButton
      The button used to initiate the login process.
    • cancelButton

      protected JButton cancelButton
      The button used to cancel the login process.
    • showPasswordCheckBox

      protected JCheckBox showPasswordCheckBox
      A checkbox to toggle the password visibility.
    • app

      protected App app
      The main application instance responsible for managing login procedures.
  • Constructor Details

    • LoginView

      public LoginView(App app)
      Constructs a new `LoginView` with the specified application instance.
      app - The main application instance that manages the login process.