Serialized Form

  • Package View

    • Class View.AdminDashboardView

      class AdminDashboardView extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • adminInfoPanel
          JPanel adminInfoPanel
          A panel displaying admin information, including the admin's name and email.
          See Also:
        • app
          App app
          The parent application.
          See Also:
        • searchBar
          JPanel searchBar
          A panel displaying the search bar with search input and button.
          See Also:
        • searchResults
          JPanel searchResults
          A panel displaying search results.
          See Also:
        • searchResultsContainer
          JPanel searchResultsContainer
          A panel displaying search results.
          See Also:
        • servicesPanel
          JPanel servicesPanel
          A panel displaying utility services and associated information.
          See Also:
        • totalPanel
          JPanel totalPanel
          A panel displaying the total utility bill cost.
          See Also:
    • Class View.AdminLoginView

      class AdminLoginView extends LoginView implements Serializable
    • Class View.App

      class App extends JFrame implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • adminDashboardView
          AdminDashboardView adminDashboardView
          The view for the admin dashboard.
        • adminLoginView
          AdminLoginView adminLoginView
          The view for admin login.
        • customerController
          CustomerController customerController
          The controller for managing customer-related operations.
        • customerDashboardView
          CustomerDashboardView customerDashboardView
          The view for the customer dashboard.
        • customerLoginView
          CustomerLoginView customerLoginView
          The view for customer login.
        • customerRegistrationView
          CustomerRegistrationView customerRegistrationView
          The view for customer registration.
        • editBillView
          EditBillView editBillView
          The view for editing a bill.
        • editServiceView
          EditServiceView editServiceView
          The view for editing a service.
        • loggedInCustomer
          Customer loggedInCustomer
          The currently logged-in customer.
        • loginSelectionView
          LoginSelectionView loginSelectionView
          The view for selecting the login type.
        • newBillView
          NewBillView newBillView
          The view for creating a new bill.
    • Class View.CustomerDashboardView

      class CustomerDashboardView extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • app
          App app
          The parent application instance.
          See Also:
        • currentBillsPanel
          JPanel currentBillsPanel
          The current bills panel.
          See Also:
        • customer
          Customer customer
          The customer object.
          See Also:
        • customerInfoPanel
          JPanel customerInfoPanel
          The customer information panel.
          See Also:
    • Class View.CustomerLoginView

      class CustomerLoginView extends LoginView implements Serializable
    • Class View.CustomerRegistrationView

      class CustomerRegistrationView extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • app
          App app
          Reference to the App class, used for interactions and communication between the view and the application logic.
        • cancelButton
          JButton cancelButton
          The button for canceling the registration process.
        • confirmPasswordField
          JPasswordField confirmPasswordField
          The password field for confirming the user's password.
        • emailField
          JTextField emailField
          The text field for entering the user's email address.
        • passwordField
          JPasswordField passwordField
          The password field for entering the user's desired password.
        • registerButton
          JButton registerButton
          The button for initiating the registration process.
        • showPasswordCheckBox
          JCheckBox showPasswordCheckBox
          A checkbox that, when selected, makes the password fields visible.
        • usernameField
          JTextField usernameField
          The text field for entering the desired username.
    • Class View.EditBillView

      class EditBillView extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • app
          App app
          A reference to the main application instance, facilitating communication between the view and the application logic.
        • backButton
          JButton backButton
          A button for navigating back to the previous screen.
        • dateLabel
          JLabel dateLabel
          A label displaying the bill's date.
        • deleteButton
          JButton deleteButton
          A button for deleting the bill.
        • nameLabel
          JLabel nameLabel
          A label displaying the bill's name.
        • priceLabel
          JLabel priceLabel
          A label displaying the bill's price.
        • readingLabel
          JLabel readingLabel
          A label displaying the bill's reading.
        • saveButton
          JButton saveButton
          A button for saving changes made to the bill's details.
    • Class View.EditServiceView

      class EditServiceView extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • app
          App app
          The main application instance that this UI is associated with.
          See Also:
        • backButton
          JButton backButton
          Button to navigate back to the previous screen.
        • saveButton
          JButton saveButton
          Button to save the configured pricing information.
        • servicePriceLabel
          JLabel servicePriceLabel
          Label displaying the price of the service.
        • typeLabel
          JLabel typeLabel
          Label displaying the type of service.
        • unitPriceLabel
          JLabel unitPriceLabel
          Label displaying the unit price of the service.
    • Class View.LoginSelectionView

      class LoginSelectionView extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • adminLoginButton
          JButton adminLoginButton
          The button for logging in as an admin user. This button allows administrators to log in to the application with administrative privileges.
        • app
          App app
          The application instance that controls the view. This field holds a reference to the main application instance that manages and controls the user interface.
          See Also:
        • userLoginButton
          JButton userLoginButton
          The button for logging in as a regular user. This button allows regular users to log in to the application with standard user privileges.
    • Class View.LoginView

      class LoginView extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • app
          App app
          The main application instance responsible for managing login procedures.
        • cancelButton
          JButton cancelButton
          The button used to cancel the login process.
        • loginButton
          JButton loginButton
          The button used to initiate the login process.
        • passwordField
          JPasswordField passwordField
          The password field for entering the password.
        • showPasswordCheckBox
          JCheckBox showPasswordCheckBox
          A checkbox to toggle the password visibility.
        • usernameField
          JTextField usernameField
          The text field for entering the username.
    • Class View.NewBillView

      class NewBillView extends JPanel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • addButton
          JButton addButton
          JButton for adding a new utility bill entry based on the provided data.
        • cancelButton
          JButton cancelButton
          JButton for canceling the process of adding a new utility bill and returning to the previous view.
        • dateTextField
          JFormattedTextField dateTextField
          JFormattedTextField for entering the date of the utility bill in the "yyyy-MM-dd" format.
        • readingField
          JTextField readingField
          JTextField for entering the reading value associated with the utility bill.
        • typeField
          JComboBox<String> typeField
          JComboBox for selecting the type of utility, such as electricity, gas, or water.
  • Package View.includes

    • Class View.includes.TextPrompt

      class TextPrompt extends JLabel implements Serializable
      • Serialized Fields

        • component
          JTextComponent component
          The `component` field represents the associated `JTextComponent` where the prompt is displayed.
        • document
          Document document
          The `document` field represents the `Document` of the associated `JTextComponent`.
        • focusLost
          int focusLost
          The `focusLost` field keeps track of the number of times focus has been lost on the component. It is used to manage the prompt's visibility based on focus events.
        • show
          TextPrompt.Show show
          The `show` field is of the `Show` enum type and controls when the prompt is displayed. Possible values are `ALWAYS`, `FOCUS_GAINED`, and `FOCUS_LOST`.
        • showPromptOnce
          boolean showPromptOnce
          The `showPromptOnce` field determines whether the prompt should be shown only once. If set to `true`, the prompt is shown only once when the component gains/loses focus.