All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- id - Variable in class Model.UtilityBill
The unique identifier of the bill.
- id - Variable in class Model.WrittenBills
The ID of the utility bill.
- increaseID() - Method in class Model.WrittenBills
Increases the ID of the utility bill.
- insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class View.includes.TextPrompt
Invoked when text is inserted into the associated text component's document.
- isEmailTaken(String) - Method in class Controller.CustomerController
Check if an email address is already in use by a registered customer.
- isNumeric(String) - Method in class View.EditBillView
The isNumeric method checks whether a given string is a numeric value, which may include integers and floating-point numbers (with or without a sign).
- isNumeric(String) - Method in class View.EditServiceView
Checks if the given string represents a numeric value.
- isNumeric(String) - Method in class View.NewBillView
Checks if a string is numeric.
- isUsernameTaken(String) - Method in class Controller.CustomerController
Check if a username is already taken by a registered customer.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form